Hegira Cycling

Hegira Cycling is a Portuguese brand that is born with the desire to pedal differently. They believe that in cycling we find a balance in modern life. But they go even further and believe that cycling changes lives. It’s the passion for cycling that led to the focus on design and quality of their equipment, developed to combine performance, experience and style.

Text: Mari Oshaug
Photos: Hegira Cycling

• How did it all start and where did you get the idea from?

“I remember that first day when my dad took off the training wheels of my bike and said, “There you go!” I rode down the street with the wind in my hair and felt so cool, like a super star. I was waving at my friends while showing off my shiny new bike and trying out the ding-aling bell, just to see if it worked. From that day I found my passion for cycling, Filipe explains.”

“The origin of our brand starts about 2 years ago when I was teaching physical education in a design school. I met José, a student with many design skills, who shared the same passion for cycling as me. We thought there was a gap in the market of cycling clothes and that we could do things a little better. I knew our country currently has one of the strongest textile industries in Europe and is known for its impressive craftsmanship and expertise in technical clothing. So we decided to create the Hegira Cycling brand.”

• You claim to be committed to the environment and the people in it, could you tell us more about your thoughts on this topic?

«We ride to get away from the stresses of modern society, to fill our lungs with clean, fresh air, and to be surrounded by the natural green of the grass and trees. To ride with others. Things like blue sky and wild animals are important to the experience! Cycling, however, is not as enjoyable when the air is foul and the scenery is the color of concrete. That way Hegira Cycling engages in a range of due diligence activities to promote and sustain fair labor practices, safe working conditions and environmental responsibility in the finished-goods factories that make our products.»

«Fabrics, trims, and raw materials are the foundation of our mission to build the best product and cause no unnecessary harm. For that reason, we are building relationships with the right companies that make high-quality materials while reducing their environmental and social impact. Together, we then work to create the technical, environmental and aesthetic innovations that define our products. It is our job to research, develop and approve materials and suppliers by evaluating performance in four key areas: quality, traceability, environmental health and safety, and social responsibility. One of the things we can do as a company is make high-quality stuff that lasts for years.»

• You also donate a portion of your sales to associations that play a major role in society. Why is this important to you?

«We know that all gestures are valid to improve ones life. That’s why we are committed to helping locally, always thinking globally. A portion of Hegira Cycling’s sales go to associations that play a major role in society. Our mission is to build a better future for the sport of cycling by inspiring, empowering and supporting the next generation of racers. We will provide direct funding to non-profit organisations of all sizes that introduce underserved audiences to cycling, Filipe says.»

• What are your goals for the future of Hegira Cycling?

«Cycling plays an increasingly important role in more and more people’s lives, on and off the field of competition. It’s central to every culture and society and is core to an individual’s health and happiness. We operate in a highly attractive industry and we work every day to inspire and enable people to harness the power of cycling in their lives. Hegira Cycling’s main goal is to push the boundaries of products, experiences and services to drive brand desire and capitalize on the growth opportunities in cycling. We are opening the doors of our brand inviting athletes, consumers and partners to co-create the future of cycling and develop a cycling culture with us.»